Repairs to Men's Bathroom B-85 & 87

The included demo & replacement of wood door & frame, demo VCT & Cove Base, install tile, plumbing, painting, demo & replacement of Acoustical Ceiling Tiles, modular shower installation, lockers, HVAC, electrical, and toilet accessories.

General Construction MACC Guide Specifications

We are currently participating in the General Construction Multiple Award Construction Contract (MACC) program for Camp Lejeune and Cherry Point. Before downloading any of these projects to bid, PLEASE READ the general specifications for these programs. All projects...

General Construction MACC Guide Specifications

We are currently participating in the General Construction Multiple Award Construction Contract (MACC) program for Camp Lejeune and Cherry Point. Before downloading any of these projects to bid, PLEASE READ the general specifications for these programs. All projects...

Repair BEQ Walkway B-4310

The work included Demolishing and replacing an existing cantilevered beam supporting the 2nd floor walkway, and incidental related work. The requirements included hiring a structural engineer to evaluate and confirm the project scope, and provide a sealed brief...

The Little Bank Additions/Renovations

This project involved a 2000 sq. ft. addition and renovation to existing spaces. Work included load-bearing masonry walls, steel joist and deck, mechanical and electrical upgrades, new fascia and soffits around the entire building and interior finishes. Also involved...