Pave POV Parking Lot, Bldg 1522

The work includes removing two inches of existing gravel and adding two inches of asphalt to the lot to restore lot to existing grades and drainage patterns (current parking lot is gravel with a concrete curbing around the perimeter). Parking stalls will also be...

Construct Restrooms at Lanham Field

Lanham Field is a new 1444 square foot masonry building with a metal roof. The building will be a concrete slab with an exterior of ground face CMU block wainscot and brick veneer. The interior will be ground face block walls, terrazzo floors with mechanical and...

General Construction MACC Guide Specifications

We are currently participating in the General Construction Multiple Award Construction Contract (MACC) program for Camp Lejeune and Cherry Point. Before downloading any of these projects to bid, PLEASE READ the general specifications for these programs. All projects...

General Construction MACC Guide Specifications

We are currently participating in the General Construction Multiple Award Construction Contract (MACC) program for Camp Lejeune and Cherry Point. Before downloading any of these projects to bid, PLEASE READ the general specifications for these programs. All projects...

Replace GRIT System WWTP, B4376

The work included modifying existing headworks, demolishing the two existing Pista Grit 270s, grit washer, communitor, associated piping, asphalt, force mains, scum holding tank, scum pump station and other miscellaneous items. New work included two new Pista Grit...