Base Pass Requirements

The MCB Camp Lejeune and MCAS Cherry Point are now issuing DBIDs Badges for Base Pass. They will no longer accept RapidGate after December 31, 2018. You must contact Ellen Hartness at Blue Rock Structures, Inc. for letter and forms (the letter is only good for 30...

Install Security Fence, B-4213

The intent of this project is to remove the existing chain link fence in its entirety (fence, posts, gates, concrete, etc.) and replace it with a 7' chain link fence topped with 45 degree outriggers and three strands of barbed wire. The four outward swinging 12?...

Construct High Voltage Storage Yard

The intent of this project is to create a 105' x 140' area secured by 7' chain link fence and topped with 45 degree outriggers with three strands of barbed wire. There will be two outward swinging 10' vehicle gates. All exterior fences will be...

New Trunking Communication Shelter, B-3886

The work includes installing a new Trunking Communications Shelter foundation, foundation guardrail, security fence and electrical service. The new shelter will be provided and installed by others. The foundation shall be installed in two phases. Dimensions and...