by wpadmin | Jan 12, 2012
This project replaced one 400HZ converter, 150KVA, 480V – 208V, 416A, 3 phase unit and provided two secondary 400hz services and an enclosure for Dome Hill Pad Area. Unit to provide for new circuit to East Hill and existing circuits of radar site. New enclosure...
by wpadmin | Jan 12, 2012
The work included complete renovation of restrooms, improve HVAC system, remove and provide new floor and ceiling finishes, plumbing fixtures, light fixtures, fire alarm system, and incidental related work.
by wpadmin | Jan 12, 2012
The work included demolition of interior finishes, plumbing, mechanical and electrical systems. New interior layout and finishes, new plumbing, mechanical, electrical systems, new sprinkler system and new fire alarm system and incidental related work.
by wpadmin | Jan 12, 2012
New construction of a single story Ordnance Field Maintenance/Operations Building including a new access road to connect with an unpaved roadway and adequate parking at the facility. This project also included demolition of existing building and loading ramp.
by wpadmin | Jan 12, 2012
Reconfiguration and expansion of Tank Farm A located aboard MCAS Cherry Point, N C. This project consists of demolition, reconfiguration and construction to expand refueler tanker truck concrete parking pad and concrete fueling stand. Included are steel parking canopy...