Various Repairs to B-1787

Various interior and exterior repairs to the building, including demolition, asbestos removal, flooring, masonry, doors & hardware, gutters & downspouts, ceiling tiles, toilet partitions & accessories, painting, and electrical.

Repair Building 155 at Fleet Readiness Center East

The project provided for repairs and replacement of wooden structural components in building 155 due to water damage, termite damage or age cracking. This project also replaced deteriorated wood roof joists, wood roof decking and the existing roofing system. Project...

Repairs to Men's Bathroom B-85 & 87

The included demo & replacement of wood door & frame, demo VCT & Cove Base, install tile, plumbing, painting, demo & replacement of Acoustical Ceiling Tiles, modular shower installation, lockers, HVAC, electrical, and toilet accessories.

General Construction MACC Guide Specifications

We are currently participating in the General Construction Multiple Award Construction Contract (MACC) program for Camp Lejeune and Cherry Point. Before downloading any of these projects to bid, PLEASE READ the general specifications for these programs. All projects...

General Construction MACC Guide Specifications

We are currently participating in the General Construction Multiple Award Construction Contract (MACC) program for Camp Lejeune and Cherry Point. Before downloading any of these projects to bid, PLEASE READ the general specifications for these programs. All projects...