The work included re-lamp existing sanctuary luminaires to lower wattage. Installation of 25 led can luminaires, replaced existing lighting dimming system with new.
The project includes repairs to the existing Warehouse Building 151. The 31,941 SF Building was constructed in 1942 and was originally used as a laundry facility. Repairs will be made to improve the building's functionality for the current users, improve the life...
The work includes the construction parade deck reviewing stand and incidental related work. The work includes construction and installation of a pre-engineered sentry booth with masonry veneer, UL level 3 bullet resistant glazing, standing seam metal roof, and HVAC....
The work included retrofitting an existing laundry washer & dryer area to accommodate more washers and dryers. Modifications made to the existing plumbing and dryer exhaust systems in the area, as well as to the electrical service to support the extra washers and...