Building Repairs RR110, Stone Bay/Rifle Range

The responsibility of the contractor is to perform the repairs listed in the detailed requirements and specifications on building RR110. RR110 is a 572 square foot storage building located off Rifle Range rd at Stone Bay.

Replace Store Front Doors, FC330 and FC332

This scope of work is to be accomplished at Bldg. FC330 and FC332 located on Gonzalez Blvd. at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. The contractor shall replace: three sets of store front doors, and frames, three set of vestibule store front doors and frames, one single...

High Voltage Repairs, Bldgs AS4020/AS4025

The work includes: remove underground primary and ductbank, remove live front pad transformers, install overhead primary transistion to underground primary, reconnect pad transformers and incidental related work.

Upgrades to Building 3898

The work includes demolishing the existing interior partition walls separating room 108A from room 108 in Building 3898 and removing existing double door from room 108A to the corridor, filling in the door opening. Install new full height interior modular wall...